And the Two Shall Become One: Division and Witness from Genesis to Revelation

   The God of Israel, YHWH, is an Elohim in Whom there is no shadow of turning, a covenant keeping God. He is not a man that He should lie. His intentions toward His creation are for good and not for evil. He created all things with purpose and desire to fulfill that purpose. Mankind was created with a special place above all else, bearing the nephesh/Breath of Elohim, for relationship with Him, and ultimately for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. 

   YHWH provided His written Word and His Living Word to teach us His ways.  Known to man as the Written Word, before the Living Word came, “Torah” is often inadequately referred to as “Law,” carrying connotations in Greek/Western thinking that it does not have in Hebrew where it would more accurately be translated as “Yah’s Teachings on Righteousness.” The host of heaven and mankind were created with a will, and the opportunity to choose to fulfill His purposes or not, to walk in righteousness as YHWH defined it or to walk in unrighteousness or sin. All of history is about the struggle of will to be honoring to YHWH or to another god, whether it be material or spiritual, all too often being self. The host of heaven, both holy and unholy, have influenced mankind in both directions.

   The phrase “abolishing Torah” was originally used in the sense of a teacher working with students learning the character and natu ...

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