Soon, we will begin to see cards and candy for Valentine’s Day. It is a wonderful day, but in our society, we have overused the word “LOVE” to the point that the real meaning of the word has been lost. We “love” our new house, car, dress, purse or restaurant. We “love” that new TV program, but what about loving our neighbor, especially a young or older mother who becomes unexpectedly pregnant? Do we love her as she is or do we judge her by saying, “She should have known better.” Or, “What was she thinking?” I know I have been guilty of judging people but have learned that I need to stop and think about what happened to that person that she is faced with her current situation. Then I ask myself if there is anything I can do to help.

   Do we lift a hand to help her or do we shun her? Do we show true LOVE by extending a helping hand with resources or support or friendship? Jesus loved those on the fringes of society, those who through misfortune were shunned by general society. Are we like Jesus, offering a hand of love, or like general society which treated those less fortunate as outcasts.

   Offer the true meaning of LOVE, by helping those facing an unexpected pregnancy by helping that woman give the gift of LIFE, because you cared enough to help. Remember that any of these pregnant women could be an aunt, daughter, cousin, granddaughter, niece or ...

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