What Legacy Will I Leave?

   As a young person, you have goals of what you want to do with your life, to include family and what kind of job you would like.  Plus, you want to be remembered.  Our nature wants to be remembered by who we are and our accomplishments.  

   Let’s take a quick survey.  How many remember your parents?  The truth is 100% that if your parents did not have children, you would not either.  (Ha!).  Now, how many of you remember your grandparents?  Probably a good number of you.  How many of you remember your great-grandparents?  Fewer would be the responses.  Rarely have I found anyone who remembers their great-great-grandparents.  

   Presently I have five grandchildren, two of which are under three years old.  If I died today, the likelihood of the younger two is great that they would not remember me.  As societies increase in longevity, the probability of knowing one’s great-grandparents increase.  Reality-wise though, within about two generations or so, you and I will have pretty much been forgotten.  This could be depressing for those of you who want to be remembered for many years.  The truth is few of the one hundred billion plus people who have lived on this earth will ever be remembered for a long time. 

   Should we go hide under a rock and just exist?  No, of course not.  It ...

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