Hollywood: More Dangerous Than Guns

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Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
  Statistics and facts about the film industry:  The global film industry shows healthy projections for the coming years, as the global box office revenue is forecast to increase from about 38 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 to nearly 50 billion U.S. dollar in 2020.  The U.S. is the third largest film market in the world in terms of tickets sold per year, only behind China and India. More than 1.2 billion movie tickets were sold in the U.S. in 2015. There are about 5,800 cinema sites in the U.S. as of 2015. About 14 percent of Americans go to the movies about once a month, seven percent go see movies in the movie theater twice or three times a month, whereas 37 percent go a few times a year.  This is a considerable share taking into account 53 percent of American adults prefer watching movies at home.

   Now think about the impact movies have on the human mind as  a whole.

   Every single frame is a “message.”  Every frame can be dangerous by influencing the human mind.  Every frame is a subliminal message that is indelibly imprinted in the subconscious of the brain.  Then think about the violence about the messages movies bring into our homes today.  Conflicts, blood, guts, drugs, sex and more mahem.  The message frames are dangerous. Far more dangerous than guns.

   Think about the effects the violent “frame messages” have on the minds of our young.  They are devastating and could well turn a reasonable normal young person into a killer.  Brainwashing is nothing new.  Adolph Hitler did it expertly, creating the infamous Hitler Youth and killers at the concentration camps.

   China and North Korea is doing it as we speak. Beginning with the very young from birth, they don’t raise human beings. They raise ruthless communist dictators.  Indoctrinated and taught to hate and kill anyone who does not conform to their teachings.

   Guns do kill people.  But only if in the hands of those who have been indoctrinated to pull the trigger.  And movies do just that. Frame by frame. Message by message.

   Hollywood no longer subscribes to a self censorship code of ethics as it did in it’s Golden Age of movies.  Instead, it indelibly implants the worst of human bahaviour and violence in young minds all over the world. Hollywood has become the most powerful and devastating delivery system — the worst of human behavior in the world.  More powerful than the United States Government.

-Bill Rebane, Saxon Wisconsin

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