2019 RBC Teen Retreat Was Biggest Ever

Complimentary Story
   The RBC teen retreat on Feb 1-3 was the biggest we have ever had!  There were several brand new teens and as always, many of our former campers (now in college and beyond) came back to “give back” and work as staff.

   This was the first time we have had our speaker, Jeff McQueary and family. Jeff has a unique way of relating his message through Scripture set to song. He sang accompanying himself with guitar or piano with excerpts from the following Bible passages: 2 Cor. 4: 8-12, Isaiah 53, Philippians 2:5-11. His topic was “the humility of God.” Jesus Christ was humble in His humanity — Phil. 2:5-11. Christ had humble beginnings as seen in Genesis 1-3. He provided a humble redemption — Isaiah 53. And Christ will provide a humble restoration — Revelation 21-22.

   We were struck by this beautiful, lowly Savior throughout the entire thread of Scripture. The humility of the Creator becoming one of his created; providing redemption from sin, and then restoring all things to their original intent-God’s glory.

   Surprisingly, we had fair weather for broomball, skiing, tubing, and skating. With record cold temperatures the week before the retreat, we were thankful that we had a 30 degree day on Saturday, which is when we do most of our outdoor activities.

   As I think about the weather this winter, and especially the past couple of months, I’m struck by God’s power and control over our lives. It’s easy to forget that we are not in charge, and then when we get a blizzard and 13 inches of snow, we remember! As we told you last month, our February calendar was pretty full with church visits to present RBC and college visits to recruit summer staff. We actually were only able to make one of those meetings due primarily to inclement weather. 

   We do have 3 young ladies who are tentatively planning to join us as VBS teachers this summer. Please pray for them to boldly step out in faith to teach, and for 3 more to join them. If you would like to schedule an RBC VBS for your church, we will begin in April to put dates on the calendar.

   SAVE THE DATE: MAY 4 RBC CONCERT!  Please plan to attend and invite others! More details to come next month!
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Cable’s Corner
   We have been sick with respiratory “stuff” off and on for the past two months! We get one virus and recover and then get another. By the time it runs through every person in the family, it’s a long haul! Thankfully, we have been able to “lay low” for the most part with the snow and so many things being canceled because of it. The slower pace has been nice. We have had some quality family time and have also been able to work on loving our siblings :) We have been able to enjoy some winter activities here and there, including ice skating at “Pickle Pond” here in town and a homeschool snowshoeing field trip.

We also went up North to Minocqua and had fun outdoors and indoors with Joe’s family. Looking forward to spring and summer, hopefully soon!

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