Governor Tony Evers Supposedly Embraces Science

   Earlier this year, Governor Tony Evers “announced his plans to join the U.S. Climate Alliance” — (

   Evers said, “It’s a new day in Wisconsin and it’s time to lead our state in a new direction where we embrace science, where we discuss the very real implications of climate change, where we work to find solutions, and where we invest in renewable energy. By joining the U.S. Climate Alliance, we will have support in demonstrating that we can take climate action while growing our economy at the same time.”

   “The Constitution Party of Wisconsin (CPoW) is pleased to hear that Governor Evers will embrace science from now on. We expect a press release from the Governor’s office very soon rejecting transgenderism as normal and renouncing ‘biology deniers’ who claim children can be born transgender or that one can pick his or her gender identity,” said CPoW State Chairman Andrew Zuelke. “We Constitutionalists believe biology, we emphatically state that among humans there are only two sexes, that they are immutably determined for an individual very shortly after conception by the pairing of chromosomes &ndash ...

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