Good Times or Not So Good Times?

Where does one even BEGIN to consider all that is happening so quickly these days?

Things are certainly getting interesting since the Mueller Report summary was released by the Attorney General Barr, declaring that there was no collusion or obstruction of justice by anyone in the Trump administration. It would seem that there has been a definite shift and as some have written, it is now “gloves off” for President Trump and his administration as more and more evidence of scandal and criminal behavior makes it in to the light!  What is already coming into more public awareness is terrible, but there is so much worse yet to come.
For those who have been following “Q” drops, or just for those of us who have been aware for many years of these scandalous things, there is a sense of relief as it is looking more like the people who have perpetrated such destruction against this nation in their quest for globalization may finally be brought to account. They may finally be held accountable to the same law that is supposed to apply to us all. 

  A listing of these  Q drops can be found at   for listing only, and at the drops and a forum presentation of the information. I appreciate the focus being to prod people to think for ...

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