Does the Bible Mention Anything About Dinosaurs?

   When I was still a young boy in Grade School in the 1950s, I found a book all about Dinosaurs at the library and I became absolutely fascinated with them. My parents even gave me a  set of toy rubber dinosaurs to play with. I spent many hours playing with them and imagining what they were like. 

   The topic of dinosaurs within the Christian community has been a subject of much speculation, as evolutionists try to put doubts into our minds over these extinct giants and even about the age of the earth according to Genesis. So just how do we see the physical evidences that paleontologists have found?  Those who believe the earth is older, generally tend to lean in the direction that the Bible does not mention dinosaurs because according to many researchers, dinosaurs died out MILLIONS of years before humans ever walked the earth, concluding that the men who wrote the Bible would not have seen living dinosaurs first hand. Those who believe in a younger age for the earth generally agree that the Bible in fact DOES have reference to dinosaurs, even though the word “dinosaur” itself is not in Scripture. 

   But the Bible, in Hebrew, does use the word “tanniyn,” which can be translated a few different ways in our King James Bibles. It can refer to a “sea monster” or a “serpent,” but it’s most common translation is the word “dragon.” The ...

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