The Pulpit: America’s Tinderbox for Revival

   “The beginning of true liberty is Jesus Christ. And therefore, the first and last target of all subversion is biblical faith. Hence it is that the Church has been the first target of infiltration and subversion; and is the most subverted institution in the United States today.” 
-Dr. R. J. Rushdoony 
   The United States of America is on the verge of political, social and moral collapse. While many Christian leaders are diligently praying for America’s Third Great Awakening, wickedness and immorality seems to continue to spread unabated across America with no apparent end in sight. How did this happen and who is ultimately responsible for preventing its demise? 

   The reversal of everything that our Founding Fathers stood for politically, socially and culturally began in earnest in the mid 1900’s, when America was invaded and infiltrated by a civilian army whose allegiance and loyalty were elsewhere. Their goal was to destroy the Judeo-Christian Constitutional Republic that our Founding Fathers created and replace it with a socialist/humanistic state to be ruled by a handful of judges. Therefore, if we are to defeat this enemy, we must understand their strategy in order for it to be countered. 

   Joseph Stalin shows us the tactic that they would use in order to undermine our nation: “America is like a healthy bod ...

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