Sharing your Faith – with Confidence!

   One of the primary reasons Christians don’t share their faith is fear. Some don’t know where to start. Others are afraid of facing difficult questions or simply rejection. We’ve all been there, and unfortunately, many believers never move beyond that fear. 

   The problem is, Satan knows this and often uses fear to keep us from sharing our faith. But let me encourage you to take that step in faith. 

   Ask God to give you courage. Pray that He will open a door for you to share His love with another person. God loves to prepare people’s hearts to hear the Good News, and He is waiting for people willing to step out in faith and speak for Him. 

   Lin is just one example. After learning to share her faith, Lin admitted that she was still scared. “Every time I share the Gospel, I am afraid of being mocked, or judged, or ridiculed. But a pastor I once knew said, ‘The fear of moving forward is often obliterated by moving forward. Do it scared.’”

   Be yourself. Keep the conversation friendly. Ask questions about people’s spiritual life and what gives them the most meaning. Take time to listen and understand where they are struggling. Share your story, how you came to know Jesus and what difference it has made it your life. People love stories, and your story is interesting because it is unique.
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