Hallmark, the Church and Marriage

   If wedding bells aren’t ringing in your ears then you haven’t been watching Hallmark movies recently.  While jokes about Hallmark movies abound, I assure you Hallmark and all the actors associated with that company are laughing all the way to the bank!  They are making a handsome profit and a pretty penny (excuse the puns, please) off what many would say are formulaic, predictable, and even sappy stories that very frequently go something like this: girl is in a relationship with a man who is either not happy with her or is not what she thought he was.  Enter a handsome, eligible man, who eventually either is convinced he loves the girl in question or she is convinced he’s the one.  Next enter a problem of some sort that seems to spell the end of the new relationship but that is quickly resolved.  Cue the wedding bells.

   With June being, at least traditionally, the month when many people have their weddings, Hallmark is devoting the entire month to new movies about weddings and marriage. So, let the jokes fly and say what you will, but I don’t see any other TV production companies supporting marriage like Hallmark does.

   What I can say is I don’t see very many churches promoting marriage as much as Hallmark does.  If churches made marriage as big a deal as the Saturday evening Hallmark movies do, I think we just might see an uptick in our marriage numb ...

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