The American Community Survey: Nothing to do with ‘communities’ and everything to do with citizen control

   The decennial Census is coming. The Founding Fathers created a census under Article 1: Section 2 to conduct a census to determine House representation for each state. As the nation grew and new states were formed and congressional districts within those states, the Framers knew population numbers would shift over time. 

   Unfortunately for us today, busybody politicians and bureaucrats in Washington want more than just a head count of every household and they no longer have to wait until a census year to compel citizens to hand over their personal information. 

   Introducing the American Community Survey (ACS)

( put out by the US Census Bureau (USCB). The old Long Form was sent to various households once every ten years. The ACS is sent to 3.5 million households every single year. The fine for not filling out the Long Form was $100; for the ACS it is $5,000. 

   This is what Democrats and Republicans in our time have unconstitutionally twisted the Census into.  Here are some ACS questions they say you must answer ( –

1)  What is your race?

2)  In the past twelve months, what were the actual sales of all agricultural products from this property? (mul ...

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