Independence and Faith: Do They Go Hand in Hand?

   Independence. What a wonderful word. The United States is one of the great countries of the world which allows its people to speak, travel, demonstrate, object to unfair laws freely, without fear of retribution, imprisonment or death. We don't have a government restriction on the number of children a family can have, as China does.  July 4 is truly our Independence Day. 

    Do we need faith to continue to be independent? Yes, we do. Without faith in God and faith in ourselves and in our country, we begin to lose sight of what's important to us: Fairness, family, freedom to be the best we can be. Without faith, there is no independence, just nothingness.  Our country was founded on faith by the writers of the Constitution. God was at the forefront when decisions were made for governing our country. Faith was the founders' guiding light, even if they didn't always abide by Christian behavior.  However, the founding fathers had a strong  faith foundation, one of the cornerstones upon which our country was built. This faith was built into our Constitution which has the basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

   The primary and first right is the right to life.  In the United States we have lost sight of the right to life due to our current laws. It is no longer the right of a family to decide whether they can afford to ...

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