We are Under the Control of The Globalists - You and the Globalists are Sadly Mistaken! Live Your Lives Where…

"You are only under the control of the people that you submit too.”

The socialists, the Democrats, the Zionists, the Masons, the Illuminati, Council on Foreign Affairs, Skull and Bones, Satanists, The CIA, etc… you name it, the foolish people of today are suggesting or insinuating that these groups of people are somehow in control of the rest of us. These people constantly highlight what it is that these groups, allied with Hell (Isaiah 28:18), are doing to us and what it is that they are going to do to us in the future. For as much as these wicked men and women would love to take credit for having all power over the lives of others, as if to suggest that they are God, I am here to say that they and others that believe these lies are sadly mistaken (Isaiah 14:13), and those only add strength to tyranny by proclaiming it to be so (Proverbs 18:21). And at length, it is paralyzing men by using the fear of man and the fear of consequence, which is diabolical (Proverbs 29:25).

We are to fear God (Proverbs 14:26), not men (Luke 12:4), nor are we to take counsel from our fears.

“For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he isthe governor among the nations.” -Psalm 22:28

If in America today, you cannot see the obvious taking place, which is that judgment is turned backward (Isaiah 59), where men in both the pulpits and in politics, along with their follower ...

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