Judge Not?

   What is the atheist’s favorite Bible verse?  Sound like a strange question?  Well, what is the favorite Bible verse, the one most often quoted by the liberal left, the non-Christian, or even the minimal Christians you know?  Now the answer might be apparent.  It is Matthew 7:1, of course, the most popular Bible verse in the world today, having replaced John 3:16 as the most well known.
   “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”  Oh, how people love to throw that verse in our faces when we dare to question unholy living and ungodly lifestyles.  When Jesus was tempted by satan to sin, the Lord fought the devil by quoting Scripture.  Now the devil is quoting Scripture to US, to excuse known sins -- sins people are AWARE they are committing, but simply do not care about.  They’re going to do their own thing, their way, as long and as often as they choose, and how DARE you Christians have the nerve to judge them! Of course the next logical step is for them to pull out the “hypocrite card,” since Christians judging others, in their minds, is the absolute height of hypocrisy.  According to them, we’re not even following our own Bible because it tells us to “judge not!”
   This is the attitude of so many today, as our culture slides over the cliff into whol ...

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