God and Science Are Clear on Human Life

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

   Science tells us that the genetic material, and genetic code dictates that human parents produce human offspring, or we can call them human entities.  God says each kind brings forth its own kind.

   When these human entities begin their lives the moment that the mother’s egg was fertilized by the father’s genetic material, they begin to grow, and the genetic code is activated.

   It doesn’t matter how old they are while growing in the mother’s womb, they are — and will remain — human entities.  What you call them while growing, cannot change that fact.

   To kill them while still in the womb because someone wants to call them something other than a human entity such as a “fetus.” etc. is the killing of an innocent human life, that is how the God Most High sees it.  

   While growing in the mother’s womb, the human entity legally, cannot change God’s moral, and just mind.  The parents are responsible for protecting their offspring at all stages of their lives from conception to adulthood.  It is also the responsibility of all concerned health care providers to save the lives of human entities while in the womb, or out of the womb.

-Dave Stone, Hurley, Wis. ...

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