Settled Science: The Socialist Outcome

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

   Socialists say, “The science is settled” once a socialist outcome has been achieved. After that, one can no longer examine the facts. Those who dare to do so are called “science deniers” or “climate deniers” in a cheap juxtaposition with “holocaust deniers.” Such academic put-downs are repeated by yellow journalists.

   The term “Settled Science” is a fallacy.  In science anyone can ask any question, challenge anything, and he can try to prove his case. Other people can take it upon themselves the cross-examine his work. Adding to humanity’s existing knowledge base is what scientists are supposed to do.  The scientific quest for knowledge is an ongoing debate, because not only are facts involved but ideas and people. Under Socialism, the debate goes on until the socialist hears what he wants to hear, and then says “stop, debate’s over, now the science is settled.”  For example:

   Evolution: This impossible teaching, that life arises from non-life, and the cosmos comes from nothing and by nothing was banned by several states, when the ACLU lost the Scopes Trial.  Yet the war on God was won by authors of fiction, such as “Inherit the Wind” and today creationists lose in court when they try to get their teachings into government school c ...

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