Conflict is Part of Christianity

   Many despise Christianity because of conflict they have experienced at a church or within the Body of Christ at large. The truth is, however, where there are humans there will be conflict – even in the midst of Christianity. 

   I, too, once hated conflict within Christianity. I found it stressful, a burden, a distraction from serving Christ in the earth. But as the years went on, I learned that conflict in the Body of Christ is not a distraction from Christianity, but rather conflict is a part of Christianity.

   Once you come to realize that conflict is a part of Christianity, conflict is no longer (usually) as stressful or burdensome as it once was. 

   In Acts 6, we have the first recorded conflict in the early church. So we learn from Scripture — conflict in the Body of Christ is a part of Christian living.

   The conflict we read of in Acts 6 may seem small to us – but I have learned even the smallest of conflicts can turn into great conflagrations.

   And as is often the case, there is usually some history that has happened between the opposing parties prior to the outbreak of open conflict. People harbor things — sometimes true, sometimes falsely perceived to be true. They make the conflict a far bigger matter than deserved.  Jealousy — often combined with pride — makes for an awful ...

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