This is What I’ve Learned... from a signpost in Montana, ‘Close the Gate’

   Out here in Montana we have lots of gates.  They serve a very useful purpose. For there’s a lot of country in Montana that is “free range” designated, for ranchers to graze their stock on, by lease on public lands. You’ll often come upon signs on these public lands that read, “close the gate,” but the general rule of thumb is…if it’s closed, close it back, if it’s open, leave it open.

   These gates are vitally important to keeping the cattle and sheep safe within a contained area, not only for their own good, but for the livelihood of the ranchers as well. So they’re not only useful, but necessary. Life seems to present us with gates from time to time, that we need to be “mindful of ” as believers; by knowing when to close them and when to leave them open.

   And as a pastor, I’ve come to recognize the importance of gates throughout the years, of not only knowing when to close or leave them open, but in maintaining these gates as well…in every regard to the well-being of the flocks that the Lord has called me to under-shepherd…to love, care for and protect.

   Nehemiah 2:17-18 says, “Then I said to them, ‘You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.’ And ...

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