Whose Job Is It Anyway?

   The months of November and December are traditionally great months for family get-togethers. We look forward to seeing our siblings and of course our parents along with other close relatives. Good food, good companionship and the sharing of great memories are what we expect. It has always been a great American tradition, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day — like no other national celebration on earth.  These are two family traditions which help hold this nation together providing customs that promote health, love and stability. At least that’s how we baby boomers remember these good ole times.

   But that was then and this is now. In our “woke”  21st century, things have drastically changed. especially over the last 70 years and seemingly at warp speed over the last two decades of that era. It all seemed to start with two parents working outside of the home in order to keep up with the Jones’s and have more for themselves and their family. However — and not coincidentally — divorce soon became a common thing, under restrictive circumstances at first, then quickly followed with no conditions at all.  “The pill”  was next and then came the ultimate in birth control: abortion, with our unnatural family path ending at homosexual “marriage.”  Each item mentioned, in turn chipping away at the foundation of all civilization, the cornerstone being the tradition ...

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