Attorney General Keith Ellison: Accuser of The Innocent, Defender of The Guilty – Attempting to Equate Hate to The Law that Exposes Their Crimes

Taqiyya- Deception and Lying in Islam. Precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief. 

As many of you know, the state of Minnesota has a brand new attorney general, his name is Keith Ellison, and his Muslim name is Muhammad Hakim (Over the years Ellison operated under names including Keith E. Hakim, Keith X Ellison, and Keith Ellison-Muhammad). I know that there are many that say, "How stupid can Minnesotans be?" but in reply, I say, "Not that stupid."

There are many at the grassroots level and otherwise who are very aware of what is happening here.

Minnesotans are also very aware of the voter fraud taking place in this state, as well as the tactics being played out behind closed doors.
It has been accredited to dictatorial, tyrannical Communist Joseph Stalin “people that cast the votes don’t decide an election, the people who count the votes do."

Concerning the attorney general race, The end results were Ellison 1, 249, 407, and Wardlow with 1, 150, 459 and all this with a total of 42,400 and 55, 200 Muslims in the state. Just doesn’t add up friends. ...

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