America's Low Birth Rate is National Suicide

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

   The average woman in the United states today has only  1.7 children.  This is national suicide.

   Many women took the birth control pill thinking that they would be infertile for a short time, but it made them infertile FOREVER.

   Among the most serious effects of The Pill are possible infertility, breast and cervical cancer, tubal pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, increased chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, gallbladder disease, stroke, blood clots, and even death.

   One mother told me her daughter was on the birth control pill and had a stroke on her honeymoon.

   Some other reasons women don’t have children:  When she was a teenager, her doctor put her on the Pill for acne.  Her husband got a vasectomy.  He mutilated his body and they took away his manhood.  This usually ends in divorce, aborticide, same-sex marriage.  Some dumb doctors even put mothers on the birth control pill when they are breast feeding their babies.  What does this kind of milk do to the fertility of her child?  Time will tell.
   Breast feeding is natural birth control.  My grandmother breast-fed her babies for two years.  She had six children, all three years apart.  I breast fed my babies for one year.  I ...

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