2020 -- A New Year is Here!

   The holidays have passed by quickly. It was barely Thanksgiving and we rapidly entered the Christmas season with hardly a blink. For some stores, Christmas decorations were already up in October.

   No matter when the decorations for Christmas go up, the message of Christmas is always the same -- the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the real reason for the season. We get so caught up in the glitz, glitter and rush of the Christmas season, that we forget Him.

   During the holiday, there is much merry-making and celebrating with alcohol, and maybe even some drugs. Inhibitions and guards go down and vulnerability sets in, allowing men and women to engage in activities which they would not otherwise do. Regret happens when they sober up. He may vanish; she may become pregnant or may have been exposed to an STD or both. What do they, but most often only SHE, do now? How to deal with the possible pregnancy or STD?

   Add to this holiday confusion and regret the 2020 elections.  Abortion becomes an issue (or a non-issue) for candidates during their campaigns. Whether for or against abortion, the bottom line of abortion is that it kills an unborn child. There is no middle ground in abortion — a child doesn’t half live/half die. Death is the only outcome.  Now, with chemical abortions so readily available, the choice seems even easier. No messy surgical abortion procedur ...

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