What Are We Teaching Our Sons?

   I have a lot to say, but this is not the time to say it. I’ll save the details for another day. Stop reading now if you think Jesus was a softie.

   This is a time to vent...to air it out...to let some steam off ...to release the pressure valve. Sometimes I feel like my head is about to explode. This is one of those times.

   Americans have become so sissified. Everyone is afraid to hurt somebody’s feelings. It’s the wussification of the culture run amok. Real men scare people.

   I grew up with straight-talkers as my role models. John Wayne types were the manly examples that the entertainment industry pumped into our homes.  I have fond memories of sitting around the black and white Philco TV with my parents as the family watched real men gallop into our living room. Roy Rogers, Chuck Connors, Paladin, Hoss Cartwright, and The Lone Ranger, all left a masculine odor in my nostrils each night as I sawed logs in the bed I shared with my older brother.

   Early the next morning we hit the yard running.  We played “Cowboys and Indians,” scalping redskins by morning, and morphed into Vic Morrow’s “Combat” and killed “Krauts” by the afternoon. We lived out in the yard what we watched on TV the night before.

   Pardon me for being so politically incorrect, but “killing Kra ...

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