Q: "...If this was the first family on earth, where did these other people come from?

Adam and Eves son, Cain, killed his brother, Abel, and then God sent him out as a fugative, and marked him so that other people on the earth would not kill or hurt him. If this was the first family on earth, where did these other people come from?

A: By Pastor Ken Burisek, The Ole Country Church, Medford, Wisconsin
No one even knows the name of Cains wife, yet skeptics have used her to try to discredit Gods Word time and time again. She just might be the most talked about woman in the history of mankind.
The sad part is that some Christians have a hard time answering that question and as a result some folks are of the persuasion that Christians cant defend the authority of Gods word.
Even the great lawyer, Williams Jennings Bryant, failed to answer this question when asked by Clarence Darrow at the infamous Scopes Trial in 1925.
Many people understandably question this because Cain, after killing his brother Abel, went far away and built a city. Some folks assume he left his home still single, and married once he reached that land. This would present a great dilemma, because Adam & Eve were the supposed to be the only family on earth at the time, according to the Bible.
We know that Adam lived several hundred years, so having lots of children was not a problem. The book of Genesis doesnt really tell us the order of the births, and it doesnt even tell us how old they were. By having many children, its likely that there was a whole sl ...

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