What About Christians Drinking Alcohol?

Complimentary Story
   Proverbs 20:1-2 (ICB) tells us, “Wine and beer make people loud and uncontrolled. It is not wise to get drunk on them...... A king’s anger is like the roar of a lion. Making him angry may cost you your life.” And Ephesians 5:18 (ICB) tells us, “Do not be drunk with wine. That will ruin you spiritually. But be filled with the Spirit.”  

   The issue of consuming alcohol has always been a controversial one within the Christian community. Did Jesus make, or advocate the use of, intoxicating beverages?  Is having an occasional drink really that big of a thing? These are very valid questions that every committed Christian has to address and search their hearts about. We can argue the point, but ultimately the only absolutely sure way to avoid the complications of consuming alcohol is by absolute and total abstinence.  God’s Word shows us where the “land mines” in life are located. And the abuse of alcohol  is one of those traps in our pathway of life. 

   The great evangelist/preacher Billy Sunday said it like this: “The saloon is a liar. It promises good cheer and sends sorrow.  It promises prosperity and sends adversity. It promises happiness and sends misery.... It is God’s worst enemy and the devil’s best friend.”

   Have you ever seen someone who abused alcohol all their lives?   What kind of physical health condition were they in?  Just seeing someone destroy their physical body by excessive drinking should be enough to convince any Christian of the dangers behind alcoholic beverages of any kind.  

   Now let’s dig a little deeper into the Word of God.  What is the BIBLICAL definition of the word “WINE?”  First off, we need to realize that in Bible days, the word “juice” was not a widely used term. “Wine” was a general term for any grape juice-like product.....even when it was still in the grape clusters on the vine. There are nine Hebrew, and four Greek words translated as being “wine” in the Bible so we need to be careful which version of the word “wine” that we are using.  Even in the early days of America, nonalcoholic grape juice was often referred to as being “grape wine.”  So the use of the word “wine” can be anything from the grapes themselves to an alcoholic beverage which the Bible tells us can destroy us. We also read in the Bible that abstinence from wine and other intoxicants is considered to be a great virtue. God honored Daniel for refusing the King’s wine. John the Baptist’s greatness in the eyes of God was directly linked to the fact that he drank no wine or strong drink.  Even as He was dying, Jesus refused the wine that was offered Him to deaden His agony. 

   But what about JESUS AND THE WINE at the wedding feast in Cana? Seems like a big loop-hole for those advocating social drinking, but is it?  Was the wine He created an alcoholic beverage? The Greek word used in this story is “oinos,” a variation of the Hebrew word “yayin,” which refers to grape juice in general.  It could be fermented or unfermented. By the time Jesus had arrived at the feast, the guests were “well drunk” of whatever they were consuming according to John 2:10. And Jesus knew well the urgent warnings found in Habakkuk 2:15, “Woe to him who gives his neighbor intoxicating drink.” With this in mind, we can be confident that the beverage Jesus made was likely a refreshing, nonalcoholic grape drink. To argue otherwise is totally against Jesus’ very nature.

   Think about this: would Jesus ever contradict God’s Word by contributing to someone’s drunkenness? Never!  We often hear the term “alcohol and drugs.”  That statement is not even correct because alcohol itself IS a dangerous drug. Not one “social drinker” ever thinks that they will become an alcoholic. God doesn’t want us to be in bondage to ANYTHING, whether it be alcohol, tobacco, drugs, porn or any other vice.

   The bottom line is this:  No one ever became an alcoholic, that never took that first drink. Regardless of what your opinion of casual drinking or social drinking is, I’m sure even the most whimpy, luke-warm Christian will agree that drunkenness is definitely a sin. Romans 14:21 (ICB) says, “It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that will cause your brother to sin.” 

   A wise old preacher once who said, “One beer might not send me to hell, but it could lead ten people to hell who saw me drink it, and followed my example.”  1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 tells us that those who indulge in drunkenness will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. So then if we chose to indulge in drinking an alcoholic beverage, at what point does our drinking become sin (drunkenness)?  One drink? Two drinks? Five drinks? The only absolutely sure way to avoid drunkenness is to abstain from it altogether. 

   God has a plan for your life that is far greater than any bottle of alcohol could ever possibly give. I found an old insert in a very old King James Family Bible. It was a pledge for people to sign. It reads like this: “We hereby solemnly promise, God helping us. To abstain from all distilled, fermented, and malt liquors including wine and beer, and to employ all proper means to discourage the use of and the traffic in the same.”  When I was a young boy we went to a little country church, and I have no doubt that everyone within that body of Christ would have eagerly signed that pledge without hesitation or question. Let me ask everyone this question as I close: would the church you attend today even have the courage to pass a pledge like this around for the congregation to sign, and if so, how many within your church would be willing or even able to sign it? Where do you yourself stand?

Pastor Ken Burisek
Ole Country Church, Medford, Wis.
Email: KBurisek@JesusAnswers.com

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