This is What I've Learned... From Throwing a Boomerang!

   Have you ever thrown a Boomerang? My guess is that some of you may be becoming experts at throwing the kind of boomerang I’m talking about today…in the form of a critical comment. Especially, during this challenging time of the COVID-19 quarantine, when most of us are staying at home and living in such close quarters with one another. 

   As of late, I’ve been wondering about what the statistics might be after all of this “family-time” together is over, regarding the birth and the divorce rates. For even in the best of times, when families are cooped up together for too long, (like on some vacations and holidays) even constructive criticism that may be given with the very best of intentions can have a negatively charged boomeranging effect!  And boy, that kind of impact can hurt, especially when it comes back at ya.

   So, if you’re tempted to throw a boomerang in the direction of another person who’s in close proximity to you, you might wanna hear and heed these words of our Lord, in plain, and every day street language, found in Matthew 7 of (The Message)…“Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults — unless, of course, you want the same treatment. That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging.” 

   So let me encourage you to NOT boomerang along the way, by saving y ...

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