It's a Labor of Love

   1 Thessalonians 1:3 (King James Version), “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

   It’s been a lot of years since I’ve birthed my babies, my youngest now in high school and two older ones out of the house; but I would still tell you it was a labor of love. Labor, if you ask most ladies, is not a very fun experience. But when you know that a great prize awaits you at the end, you press on!  Not only are most women determined to birth that baby, but they are excited about it. There is always an anticipation when a baby is about to be born.

   In today’s world, it’s easy to get discouraged by all we see raging around us in society and politics. But I want to encourage you today to have hope, to joyfully anticipate what the Lord is doing and is going to do.  Our Creator God is the Master Birther – always birthing new things into our lives. Sometimes it’s within us, like the birth of a tender heart where there was once bitterness and anger. Sometimes it’s in our homes, a prodigal child returning to the Lord. Sometimes it’s in our society, revivals breaking out as the church rediscovers its purpose.

   Whatever stage God chooses to do His work on, one thing is certain, His works are good and we can have hope in whatever He is birthing.

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