The Great Exchange

   One tragic result of the multitude of influences found within the world system today is a lack of biblical literacy among Christians. This lack has resulted in many completely avoidable struggles, trials, and heart aches. If Christians clearly understood and lived their lives according to the reality of who we are and of what is available for our asking, life would be very different for millions of us.

   Today, I want to speak with you about God’s treasury and how we access it. When we consider that God has heavenly gifts and blessings that He wishes to freely give to His sons and daughters, we should be excited and overjoyed. Anything that the Father wishes to give me I want. How about you?

   Now, God’s treasury of gifts and blessings has a door with a very specific key. God also has a key-holder, a guardian of the door of His gifts and blessings.

   Who, then, is the holder of the key to God’s treasury? Some say it is Jesus. I say it is the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that unlocks God’s gifts and blessings and bestows them upon all who ask and seek for them.

   But, before that can happen there must be a supernatural and divinely orchestrated exchange that takes place. This exchange when initiated shook the city of Jerusalem and stopped the sun from shining for hours. It brought cheers from the demons running rampant upon the eart ...

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