Preparing for Spiritual Battle to Overcome the Equal and Opposite Errors: ‘I Don’t Need the Father’ and ‘I Don’t Need the Son.’ (Part 2)

August 2023

  Examining misunderstandings from two different directions that challenge the validity of our faith in both the Father AND the Son is another of those very large topics that I can only begin to address here. They are intertwined and can’t be fully separated. It is important for us, who face the boldness of the adversary who knows his time is short, to be as well grounded in the Whole Word as we can be so that we can walk in His authority!  As we fight the good fight, we need to aim for the roots, not just the current bloom!  Cutting off dandelion flowers alone doesn’t stop them, right? Aiming your fire extinguisher at the flames doesn’t work nearly as well as aiming it at the base of the fire!

   Pursuing greater understanding and practice of our Hebraic heritage, we ran right into the same battles that were going on in the first century. I was also challenged that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) IS the “Mother of all churches.” While there is truth to that because the “Protestants” came about in protest to what the RCC changed, the first base of the faith was never in Rome.  It was from Jerusalem; in Israel that our God chose to carry out the plan of redemption. Prophetic words so important for today: Jude challenged us to “earnestly contend for the faith given once to the saints.” 

   My first question ...

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