Remember Those In Prison

September, 2023

   We are instructed in Scripture to “remember those in prison.”  (Hebrews 13:3).   The fact is, when we visit, (and we can do that by writing letters), those in prison, it is as though we are visiting Jesus. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me, come take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you.” (Matthew 25: 34-40). 

  Over the last year, I have become very disheartened by the lack of believers in Jesus I have been able to find, that have any interest in visiting, writing to prisoners or helping, in any way a man or woman upon their release from prison. I have been doing these things for the past 30 years. That does not make me better than anyone else, but so help me God, I can’t be the only Christian God has called to care about those in prison. I know I am not. There is a lady that attends the same church as I do and she took the steps to become a county jail chaplain and does weekly visits to female inmates and provides friendship and a weekly Bible study when they are released. Some, now,  attend our church. 
   One man, I have been corresponding with for over 3 years, is approaching the time that he will be released from prison, his dept paid in full. He will be released into the city where he committed his crime and will have to stay ...

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