The Power of Trust (Part 3)

November/December 2023

  After reading Parts 1 and 2, you now have a foundation in place for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) naturopathic medicine. It’s also known as natural healing or “God’s Medicine” since it works by things made by God — fresh air, water, food, herbs, truth, love, sunshine, and Son-shine. You may download former articles from “articles” page at

   “Eat when you are hungry, drink when you are dry” is where trusting intuition ends. Due to many ground level deviations from God’s design for healthy life, we all must deal with quality of food in a serious way if the goal is a healthy life. We also need to include key foods to cover the bases and balance major food groups as revealed by urine and saliva pH testing. This gets you started. Beyond these basics are four more key body systems to balance: digestion, blood sugar, body temperature, and blood pressure. Put this all together and you have a simple, but powerful, DIY natural healing program consistent with the teachings of Jesus, Hippocrates, and thousands of nutritional pioneers.

   The good news is that when you balance any one key body system, all other systems are moved to a more perfect balance. It works like a miracle. For example, when you eat an apple,  the fiber moves digestive contents down and o ...

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