Biochemical Individuality

Complimentary Story
April 2024

  Dr. Roger Williams, who discovered several B vitamins, wrote “every individual has nutritional needs which differ quantitatively with respect to each separate nutrient from his neighbors.”  Imagine, our biochemistries are as unique as our fingerprints and genes. This would seem to create a real problem in finding unique solutions to health problems, but keep reading. In this article I will explain a system that factors in uniqueness.

   If one size doesn’t fit two of us, much less all of us, how can we find a size that fits you and me?

   This brings into question all remedies provided for the general population and pitfalls of a “cookie cutter” approach to medicine — this pill for that problem, etc. The good news is that our health problems and their remedies do fall into predictable patterns. This gives value to a “multi” for everyone with common deficiencies, or a pill for everyone to treat a common disease. However, it’s not the whole story. It leaves out special needs related to uniqueness. If our chemistries are unique, then our personal health concerns and their remedies must also be unique in at least in some respects.

   This is where a system of healing that I worked out on the 1980s, while struggling to stay on top of my own health, comes into play. It goes beyond cookie cutter, average, and common. Today it keeps me running every morning at 86 years of age. It involves the simple idea of learning how to let your own body be your teacher. There are no guarantees, but there is a real possibility for people struggling with stubborn health issues to finally find answers.

   If you want this system to work for you here are the basics.

   One — you will learn to distinguish what an “expert” can do for you from those things that you must do for yourself. You will soon realize the fallacy of total dependence on an “expert” even while you may use some of their services and acknowledge their value.

   Among things YOU have unique power to control are what to eat and drink; how much to eat and drink; when and when not to eat or drink; how often to eat or drink; how long to chew before swallowing; to move or to sit; to get upset about something or not (stress); what time to go to bed at night and rise in the morning (sleep) etc. You may think of more. Don’t ever minimize the personal unique power of decision and choice God gave you.

   Two — you may find your natural appetites or instincts are not trustworthy. Self-destruct temptations come from all directions. From the inside your body chemistry and habits nudge you to keep doing the same thing even if it’s hurting your health. From the outside, powers motivated by money have been working overtime since the day you were born to distort your natural appetites so you buy their stuff. They understand your impulses and weaknesses and take advantage of them every time you go shopping or watch TV. What can take you out of bad habits and guesswork in health is objective self-testing that tells you what works and what doesn’t work for unique you.

   Three — you will learn that body systems have primacy over parts, organs, glands, and 40 trillion cells. Systems rule. Five key systems you can learn to test and balance at home for little or no cost are pH; digestion; blood sugar; body temperature; and blood pressure. If these are somewhat in balance, trillions of details downstream to them are nudged to a healthier balance like the mighty Mississippi nudges the gulf of Mexico. When you test and balance any one of the five key systems, it helps to balance the others. 

   Harold Hawkins, D.D.S., after 20 years of testing urine and saliva pH of patients found that when urine and saliva pH are in healthy ranges other systems also fall into place even if “unknown.” My last article in this paper gives some detail on why pH has such broad effects on the body.

   Four — after you test and know your numbers you need a perfect or ideal standard to compare them to and aim for. For example, with saliva pH an average of 6.8 would be considered close to perfect, with blood pressure 120/80. These “perfect” numbers are ballpark figures. Don’t worry about minor disagreements among experts. You are trying to find out what works for you, not what works for anyone else. How do you do that?  Test yourself and repeat as often as necessary!

   The above describes the 1-2-3 perfect health system taught in a Nutrition-For-Life kit. It’s as simple as 1 - test; 2 - compare; 3 - balance. Repeat until happy. Work with your doctor, important if under medical care. The kit goes into detail on the balance part for the five systems. Progress is usually not a straight line, but has ups and downs moving in waves like the stock market, or the sea. This is the only system I know that factors in variables of genes, chemistry, expert advice, and unique lifestyles as you work your way from point A to point B in health. Your body itself teaches you what works. It does take some learning and a little work, so is your health worth it? If you lose it, what else matters? Since 1990 thousands have used this system. You may read some of their comments at

   The system also works on the spiritual side of life with Jesus, the perfect standard to which we may compare our unique thoughts, feelings, and actions, as we patiently grow more and more into His image and likeness. For best results, work for perfect health on both earth and heaven as the same time. They are connected, but that’s another story.

   This article is for educational and inspirational purposes only. Comments? Send to Jim at with “nutrition” in subject box. Info on kits at:

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